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Nokia Cooker Vers.3.4

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Necessita di .NET Framework installato.


Nokia Cooker e' un software per PC riservato ai Cookers, che consente di modificare i file contenenti il firmware del cellulare per realizzare firmware personalizzati, che prendono il nome di Cooked-Firmware.

Nokia Cooker e' in grado di apportare modifiche ai dati presenti in:




- ROFx


Non tutte le ROFS/ROFx possono essere modificate!

Modificando una ROFS/ROFx protetta rischierete un brick del cellulare.

Se non siete certi che la vostra ROFS/ROFx si possa modificare, non fatelo.

La modifica della UDA, invece, e' una operazione sempre sicura.


Maggiori informazioni:


Download NokiaCooker

Informations for Developers about Plugins:

When NokiaCooker launches your application it will pass the 4 command-line parameters below:

1) the file currently selected in the window on the right side

2) the path where the fw files have been extracted (eg: c:\nokiacooker\files\n8fw_extracted\)

3) firmware filename (eg: RM-596_011.012_U01.01_79.92_prd.uda.fpsx)

4) firmware type (UDA, ROFS, CORE, UNKNOWN)

How to read the arguments depends on the programming language you're using:

- for Delphi you should use ParamStr() ParamCount()

- for C# you can find the source code of a skeleton Plugin inside \NokiaCooker\TestPlugins\

NokiaCooker Change-Log:


- New: NokiaCooker will automatically download and install new updates

- Fixed: "Can't detect partition data" was shown, when opening some core fw files (eg. N95, N96)

- Improved: NaviFirm+ v2.0

- Improved: you can disable the backup creation by setting the "MakeBackup" value to "False" in the .config file

- Improved: partition detection (added partvers 0x0100000)


- New: can be associated to .vpl and .fpsx extensions. Just double-click on a fw file, NokiaCooker will be launched and unpack the selected fw file

- Improved: general exception handling. Some exceptions were not caught correctly, causing NokiaCooker to unexpectedly close without showing any error message.

- Improved: minor improvements


- New: Partition Manager. It is now possible to repartition the fw and choose the size of ROFS1, ROFS2, ROFS3, UDA. You can even transfer the free ROFS space to the UDA, in order to

increase the total available space on c:\

You should not use the Partition Manager on cfw which have been already repartitioned in other ways.

- Improved: the copy option in the log window, copies only the selected text

- Improved: new block (3A) gets parsed for CORE files

- Improved: new header fields (E5, EA) gets parsed for CORE files

- Improved: better Fat detection for UDA files

- Improved: rewritten parsing of .vpl files

- Fixed: when connected to the pc, the Phone Memory was shown as "NOKIACOO~0" or "NCxx"

- Fixed: a wrong clusters computation, could cause a data loss for the 2 last clusters in the UDA, when filled at the top.


- New: added a new message to the Cookers.

- Improved: the "Expand All / Collapse All" options, will expand and collapse only the currently selected folder.

- Fixed: when sorting list, sometimes empty lines were shown, instead of the files entries.

- Fixed: error message "can not read from the end of the stream" when opening some UDA files (eg. X7)


- Fixed: when trying to extend the ROFS1 an ArgumentOutOfRangeException was raised for some fw files (eg. N95)


- Fixed: error message "can not read from the end of the stream" when repacking some UDA files (eg. X7)


- Fixed: removed message "This version is too much old".


- Fixed: then error message "key not present in the dictionary" was shown in some circumstances during repack.

- Improved: NaviFirm+ plugin has been updated to the latest version 1.7


- Fixed: Extend ROFS1 feature was broken due to the 2.5 changes related to the Unlock ROFS.


- Fixed: sometimes the following message was wrongly shown when saving the fw file "Error repacking fw, Block position has changed!"

- Improved: Unlock ROFS feature has been rewritten to support a larger set of core files.

- Improved: NokiaCooker adds its own signature to the file \resource\versions\customersw.txt


- New: I've only added a personal message to Cookers smile.gif It will be shown after the fw has been repacked.


- Fixed: the final CRC value was still wrong for some fw files.


- Fixed: a quick, but important, bug-fix. In the previous version, the changes to the ROFS1 (CORE) were not applied.


- New: added new option to extract the ROM. You can find it inside the menu "Advanced > Extract ROM to File..."

- Improved: reports an error when trying to open corrupted firmware files.

- Improved: slightly changes to the fw parsing engine.

- Fixed: the final CRC value was wrong for files < 1Mb

- Fixed: "Can't detect Partition Data" error when opening an unkown image format.


- New: you can extend the ROFS1 partition to the maximum size.

- New: added Yellow status for the Estimated Size.

.When it is marked in Red, the repack will probably fail and you'll be forced to remove some data.

.When it is marked in Green the repack will probably complete successfully.

.When it is marked in Yellow, the size of the current data is near to the limits of the Partition, so you have to try to repack the fw to know exactly if it will be repacked successfully or not.

.In any case, NokiaCooker will never let you write outside of the Partition Size limits, so it will be always safe to flash the repacked fw.

- Improved: shows a confirm dialog when you attempt to close the fw file and it has not been saved yet.

- Improved: in order to grand a safe repack, 2 different checks are performed when repacking the data to be 100% sure that the new data will not exceed the maximum partition length.

- Improved: toolbars settings (text and icon size) can be customized using the right mouse button.

- Improved: added expand all / collapse all commands in the treeview.

- Improved: avoid TreeView flickering when the directory selected contains a lot of files.

- Improved: computation of the final CRC takes less memory, allowing to process bigger UDA files.

- Improved: better computation of the new blocks needed during repack.

- Improved: ROFS1 partition size detection.

- Fixed: message "NokiaCooker is running as Administrator" was wrongly shown when UAC was disabled.

- Fixed: after removing some data from the ROFS1, the filesize of the repacked fw was still unchanged.

- Fixed: shows an error when trying to repack an unsupported UDA-MMC (BlockType49)

- Fixed: drag&drop was disabled after selecting a recent fw file that didn't exist anymore


- Fixed: for some fw, the rebuild corrupts the header informations


- Fixed: forgot to remove some debugging code that raises some errors when rebuilding images.


- New: it is now possible to cook ROFS1 too

- New: unlock ROFS1 / ROFS2 / ROFS3 feature (aka "ROFS Recalibration")

- New: Estimated Size and Partition Size are available for FAT image too

- New: added the "Explore Files" button in the toolbar

- New: added main icon

- New: added a context menu to both TreeView and Grid

- Improved: performances when viewing folders containing lot of files

- Improved: performances when deleting the temporary files

- Improved: performances when computing the estimated size

- Improved: performances for the treeview control

- Improved: grid component has been replaced with a new one

- Improved: error handling when opening bad fw files

- Improved: computation of the original CRC has been refactored to use less memory

- Improved: added marker (*) to the fw filename to notify fw needs to be saved

- Improved: Header Parsing

- Improved: log window contains more details

- Improved: minor changes in the GUI

- Improved: realtime detection for the changes in the file-system. The GUI will be automatically updated when you add/remove/rename contents directly using Explore.

- Fixed: Detection of the Partition Size

- Fixed: Computation of the Estimated Size

- Fixed: Wrong CRC computation for some UDA files (eg. N95)

- Fixed: Error when repacking an empty ROFS


- Fixed: support for large UDA files too (N8 - 16Gb File) but it will takes a lot of time to process them.

- Improved: NaviFirm+ plugin updated to 1.1 version

- Improved: ROFX repack seems to work properly (E71)

- Improved: ROFS repack is more accurate. Supports the attExtra attribute (N8)

- NOTE: you can't flash the modded N8 ROFS yet.


- New: Shows the maximum ROFS partition size and the ROFS extimated size.

- Improved: NaviFirm plugin updated to 0.9 version

- Improved: the "Allow ROFS Resize" option is not needed anymore and it has been removed.

- Fixed: the "Allow ROFS Resize" option sometimes corrupted the ROFS rebuild process, causing strange issues in the Cooked Fw.


- New: File > Recent Files

- Improved: NaviFirm plugin updated to the latest version

- Fixed: The "Advanced > Repack using rofs data: ROFS.ROM" option wasn't working properly when packing a ROFS bigger than original


- Fixed: Due to some recent changes the CRC-Fixer routine wasn't working properly anymore.

- Fixed: Removed tooltip from the "add/remove plugins" button.

- Improved: The CRC-Fixer routine will fix the fw CRC to match the one contained in the .vpl file (if the .vpl file exists) otherwise will match the original CRC if the .vpl file doesn't exists.

- Improved: Unpacking Speed.


- New: Support for 3rd party Applications/Plugins. You can Drag & Drop any executables to the Plugin's toolbar to add them to NokiaCoooker

- Fixed: for some UDA, the bkupBootRecord wasn't handled properly showing the message 'Root Cluster is NOT Supported!'


- New: Added a smart CRC-Fixer: There will be no more CRC warnings in Phoenix!

- Improved: Replaced checkbox with button for ROFS resize

- Improved: Sligtly GUI improvements

- Improved: Better performances when showing folders with a lot of files


- New: you can now create cooked fw for N8 (UDA/FAT only)

- New: added a checkbox to allow resizing of ROFS/ROFx images.

- Fixed: FAT/UDA editor wasn't working properly.


- Improved: Log Window can be resized

- Improved: The OBY is created trying to keep the same file order as in the original firmware.

- Fixed: Warnings raised from the RofsBuild.exe command will be shown in the log window and the repack will complete successfully. If the RofsBuild.exe raised an error, the repack will not be completed.


- Fixed: Some ROFS file were skipped during the Rebuild if the file was in a very long path like:

"C:\Documents and Settings\Root\Desktop\NokiaCooker BETA 0.4.1\Files\private\10203636\security\trustroots\device\certificates\TMO_trusted_third_party_certificate.cer"


- Improved: Shows warning messages raised from the RofsBuild.exe command

- Improved: ROFX Rebuild


- New: FAT32 file-system is now supported. (X6 UDA is in FAT32 format)

- New: Extension Column in the grid. So you can easily remove unneeded languages files from the ROFS

- New: Experimental ROFx support... It should work but NEEDS TO BE TESTED!

- New: Automatically creates a Backup File when repacking firmware.

- Improved: FAT Detection

- Fixed: ROFS Rebuild for N97

Modificato da Il.Socio
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AAAAAAAAAAA! Ok ok poi cancello questo messaggio ma...sei un grande...come al solito...lo provo appena ho un attimo promesso :thumbs::(:)

EDIT: Iniziamo subito a sfruttare il programmino...mi sono già creato ROFS e UDA dei firmware 21 e 35 per tornare a lavorare sui kastor!!! :(:lmaosmiley: :lmaosmiley:

Chi è con me???

Uhm Il.Socio ho provato ad aprire la ROFS con ROFS/ROM Viewer 0.7 Beta ma mi dice che non è valida :( mi spiego meglio, ho svolto le stesse operazioni che hai fatto tu:

1) Aprire dal programma il file v01 e attendere che crei il file ROFS.IMG

2) Con ROFS/ROM Viewer aprirlo per modificarlo

Esce un messaggio di errore che dice:

"The file you tried to open is not a ROFS image or does not have the required ROFS header." :sad:

Ho fatto la procedura più volte ma niente da fare :sad:

Tutto ok invece per il file FAT.IMA ;)

Modificato da Bl@ckJ@ck4IT
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Uhm Il.Socio ho provato ad aprire la ROFS con ROFS/ROM Viewer 0.7 Beta ma mi dice che non è valida

Da quale firmware hai estratto la ROFS?

Differenze con NokiaEditor? :thumbdown:

dovrebbe funzionare anche con i cell 3rd...

Non si trascina dietro i bug del nokiaeditor: se scompatti un firmware e lo ricompatti senza fare nessuna modifica ottieni esattamente il file originale, tale e quale... Quando ho fatto questa semplice operazione con il NokiaEditor, mi sono reso conto che ciuccava a fare il repack.

Modificato da Il.Socio
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Da quale firmware hai estratto la ROFS?

dovrebbe funzionare anche con i cell 3rd...

Non si trascina dietro i bug del nokiaeditor: se scompatti un firmware e lo ricompatti senza fare nessuna modifica ottieni esattamente il file originale, tale e quale... Quando ho fatto questa semplice operazione con il NokiaEditor, mi sono reso conto che ciuccava a fare il repack.

il fw35 dell'N95 :thumbdown: può centrare il fatto che stia usando il tool sotto a windows 7? (ho provato anche a usare la modalità compatibile Windows Xp e a dargli privilegi di amministratore)

Modificato da Bl@ckJ@ck4IT
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In alcuni casi, l'header della ROFS non viene inserito nel firmware... In questi casi, non e' ancora possibile modificare la rofs.

Quello che potrei fare e' ricostruire l'header per farlo digerire al rofs viewer e poi rimuoverlo in fase di repack...

Modificato da Il.Socio
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In alcuni casi, l'header della ROFS non viene inserito nel firmware... In questi casi, non e' ancora possibile modificare la rofs.

Quello che potrei fare e' ricostruire l'header per farlo digerire al rofs viewer e poi rimuoverlo in fase di repack...

Capito, quanto se la tira questo rofs viewer :thumbdown: grazie, vediamo se riusciamo a farlo stare buono :Dito:

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Capito, quanto se la tira questo rofs viewer :crying_anim02: grazie, vediamo se riusciamo a farlo stare buono :crying_anim02:

Ho indagato un po' piu' a fondo e il problema e' piu' articolato di quanto pensavo...

Non e' solo l'header ad essere stato rimosso, sembra piuttosto che tutta una porzione iniziale dei dati sia mancante gia' nel file del firmware... :crying_anim02:

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Ho indagato un po' piu' a fondo e il problema e' piu' articolato di quanto pensavo...

Non e' solo l'header ad essere stato rimosso, sembra piuttosto che tutta una porzione iniziale dei dati sia mancante gia' nel file del firmware... :mumble:

Argh! Ma non credo che questo ti impedirà di raggiungere il tuo scopo b) forza Il.Socio siamo tutti con te!!!

ho provato ad aprire il file ROM con un hex editor per vedere se potevo aiutarti ma non ci ho capito molto b)

Modificato da Bl@ckJ@ck4IT
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Occhio... non ti consiglio di usare il ROFS Viewer, perche' almeno in un caso, nel rebuild ha creato una ROFS non valida...

Si puo' usare la coppia di comandi readimage.exe / buildrofs.exe e' un po' ostica, ma e' la via piu' sicura in assoluto.

Se proprio usi il ROFS Viewer, accertati almeno che l'immagine creata venga letta correttamente dal readimage.exe

"c:\>readimage.exe -s rofs.rom"

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Occhio... non ti consiglio di usare il ROFS Viewer, perche' almeno in un caso, nel rebuild ha creato una ROFS non valida...

Si puo' usare la coppia di comandi readimage.exe / buildrofs.exe e' un po' ostica, ma e' la via piu' sicura in assoluto.

Se proprio usi il ROFS Viewer, accertati almeno che l'immagine creata venga letta correttamente dal readimage.exe

"c:\>readimage.exe -s rofs.rom"

Ok no no mi fido meglio non creare casini e metterci un po' più di tempo b) uso i due exe :thumbs:

EDIT: readimage.exe mi crasha dopo aver elencato molti file presenti all'interno di ROFS.ROM :-( succede anche a te? (mi sa che è colpa di sto windows 7...)

Modificato da Bl@ckJ@ck4IT
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Tutto liscio su xp, in allegato c'e' l'output


per l'upload dei file < 50Mb ti consiglio http://localhostr.com/ invece di megaupload...

non c'e' bisgogno di inserire captcha e neppure di aspettare tot secondi, si pigia sul link e si scarica al volo :D (vedi link del programma al primo post)


Modificato da Il.Socio
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